The challenge of creating a porn video

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“I was fascinated by the challenge of creating a porn video that captures the real and unique connection between two people in love and documents the sexuality that exists in people’s private lives,” she explains.  By putting a camera in people’s hands and giving them complete control and intimacy, we create an archive of their personal sex and love stories.
 Porno Video has high video quality standards and clear technical specifications. To achieve this, Porn Video guides couples in detail, supporting them from pre-production through the entire production process, and also handles all editing in-house. But when it comes to the actual content… there aren’t so many rules.  The only requirement for making a pornographic video is an ongoing romantic and sexual relationship with each other and the desire to do it! Most importantly, the couple is having fun doing it. Policies are inconsistent and based on a culture of fear and sex denial rather than sound logic. Our social media accounts have been suspended without notice and we are in the dark.” Being blocked means that our ability to promote our content is limited day by day and we have to constantly adapt our approach. This only reinforces the status quo, the only pornographic videos we can access and watch are pornographic videos, and the diversity of their expression is limited to diverse pornographic videos. We are marginalized. “
 “Society lacks proper sex education, information, and resources on sex. This is a failure of our educational institutions, families, and schools.  However, pornographic videos have the potential to be powerful educational tools and resources. The greatest enemies of education are taboo and stigma, and by opening up the discussion about pornographic videos and providing access to a variety of porn, we can create a more sex-positive environment in which people can learn from pornographic videos as a source of sexual exploration.”

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